There are 4 types of Karmas (Part 3)

path2prajna blog

It is fascinating to learn that our “Source” has beautifully organized the Formula of Life (FOL) or the Operating Systems of our Life.

Knowing about Karma is one thing, but there are 4 types of Karmas!!!! Wow. Each detail is meticulously thought out and incorporated into our microchip, to enable us to Actualize our Life Purpose.

All we have to do is discover our Formula of Life (FOL) and live according to this Formula, to live a Happy, Healthy, and well-balanced Life.

Coming back to our topic of Karmas, there are 4 types of Karmas, which we ALL inherit and are born with.

Sanchita Karma

Let us discuss the First Karma:

Sanchita Karma (Sum Total Karma or “Accumulated actions” or the Arrows in the Quiver) Sanchita Karma is the vast store of piled-up Karma accumulated in the preceding and all other previous births and yet to be resolved.

In other words, it is the aggregate sum of yet unseen Karmas committed during innumerable previous existences. This is your total cosmic debt. You could consider Sanchita Karma as a quiver full of arrows already existing in your quiver.

Every moment of your every day, you are either adding to it or you are reducing this cosmic debt.

It is waiting to be fulfilled in your current or future births. So unless and until the Sanchita Karma of a Soul is zeroed, your Soul keeps on birthing in new physical bodies to exhaust its balance Sanchita Karma.

An example of Sanchita Karma: 

We have all wondered, at some point or another, why some people are born wealthy or poor, some are able-bodied whilst others are born with some “lack”, why some people keep on harming others yet live a life of luxury and happiness whilst others, although living a very pious and “helping” life are in pain and misery.

Well, these are the fruits of Sanchita Karma that these people and WE, are living out in our Current Life.

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