NEVER give-up on YOUR child

Giving birth to a child is one thing and bringing up this child is totally different. Parents often come to me distort by their child’s behavior. “the child is uncontrollable”, “the child is indisciplined”, “the child does not learn manners”, “the child throws tantrums all the time”, “the child refuses to learn”…..and so on.

To these parents, I say…

  • It is YOU who has brought the child into this world.
  • In case of adoption: it is YOU who has adopted the child.
  • ALL SOULS are a part of ONE big SOUL and this child, whether your own or adopted, IS A PART OF YOUR SOUL.
  • Hence it is YOUR responsibility to see YOUR child through its Life.
  • You are from the human species- touted as THE MOST INTELLIGENT species on Earth.
  • Of the two of you, YOU are the older person than your child.
  • Hence, you got more time to go through YOUR life and figure THINGS out.
  • The child is dependent on YOU for EVERYTHING in its Life.
  • The child is looking up to YOU to provide for all its needs.
  • Your Child has JUST entered this world and is operating on NATURAL EMBEDDED INSTINCT mode.
  • Your child may behave like a saint (well behaved) or a menace (out of control) from birth.
  • If the child behaves like a saint then you are sorted.
  • However, if your child behaves like a menace, then you have a challenge on your hands.
  • YOU need to understand that the “menace” child is also born with the capacity and intelligence to behave like a saint.
  • It is YOUR responsibility to figure out how to mould this child with appropriate behaviors and make him/her into a saint.
  • As you too have the inbuilt intelligence and capacity to figure out ways to mould this child, you should apply this intelligence in this direction.
  • Given that you might not be equipped with all the knowledge and training to deal with some of the situations with your child, as your experience might be limited, you sure do have the resources to look for a guide/counselor/trained person/online videos & research to help you out.
  • Once you have identified this trained individual, enlist their help to streamline your child’s energies and behaviors in the right direction.
  • Under no circumstances should you give up. As your child is YOUR child, You have to keep on trying ALL the available permutations and combinations TO MAKE IT WORK.
  • Whilst you go about channelizing your child in the appropriate direction, YOU MUST work with LOVE, PATIENCE and DELIGENCE.
  • The formative years of your child are most important to mould your child. This is the time when you should imbibe the basics to navigate life skillfully to live life successfully.
  • However, as the child grows up and becomes an adult, the challenges of an adult life are also different. Be there for your child when he/she is in a fix. Guide your child to come out of his/her situation.
  • However, do not insist on the child complying to your direction. Once advice is given, back off. Allow your child the freedom to take his/her own decisions. He/she needs to learn from his/her own mistakes to develop his/her own coping mechanisms.
  • In this entire journey and process of bringing up your child and moulding him/her to become a saint and handling life effectively, avoid being judgmental or transferring your own biases and prejudices on your child.
  • Your child should have the knowledge that you will be there for him/her with unconditional love and acceptance, come what may.
  • Just as you are born to fulfill your destiny and complete your karmic dues, same goes with your child.

#myinnerdirection #myinnercompass #masteryourlife #lifestruedirection#leenaprabhoo #masternavigator #parenting #upbringing #MES-Q  #joyoflife #unburdenyoursoul #mypathtoprajna #navigatelifeskilfully  #livelifesuccessfully

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