My website BLOCKED by Department of Telecommunication, Government of India. OMG

Blocked website

When you read this message, first thing in the morning….What would your reaction be?  Your website Website BLOCKED by Department of Telecommunication, Government of India.

How did my day begin?

As usual, I started my day yesterday, by logging on to my website, , and this is the message I saw. My eyes grew wide and mouth went dry. A thousand thoughts went through my mind in a microsecond.

Questions running through my mind..

Why would THE Government of my Country, issue a directive to BLOCK my website?? What have I done? Which law did I break? What did I do so horrifying that it caught the attention of the powers that be? Who did I hurt? Who was I planning to hurt? Am I going to be prosecuted for helping people heal themselves? Am I against my beloved country?


An then I started evaluating my self and my actions in the last few decades of my life and specifically the last  24 hours. I am just a normal citizen, born and brought up in my beloved country, India. So so proud of my heritage and culture. A law abiding citizen. Wishing no harm to any one. Helping people from all walks of life, from all over the world, to cope with this humongous  pandemic all of us are trapped in, conducting free online Masterclasses to increase the energies and vibrations to combat coronavirus, trying to earn my bread and butter in a lawful manner…..then WHY WOULD MY GOVERNMENT BLOCK MY WEBSITE???

Action time

After the microseconds of rampant thoughts… I sent this screenshot to my web developer asking for HELP. He took a full 24 hours to respond. Your internet service provider has blocked your site. Huh??? Why would they do that?

Message and screenshot sent to the service provider and is back on track.!!!!

Turns out, the cyclone which hit us, messed with our net connectivity and as soon as the same was restored, the virtual world started working as usual.

Lessen learnt?

DO NOT PANICK. DO NOT GIVE IN TO YOUR OR OTHER PEOPLES BIASES OR PREJUDICES. TRUST YOUR COUNTRY AND THE POWERS THAT BE. DO NOT GET SWAYED BY WHAT OTHER PEOPLE ARE SAYING. DO NOT JUMP TO BIASED CONCLUSIONS. DIG DEEPER TO FIND ANSWERS, GET TO THE BOTTOM OF THE PROBLEM.  “Things” are almost NEVER as they seem to you. There is ALWAYS the OTHER SIDE OF THE COIN. Take a good LOOK as ALL the OTHER SIDES before coming to a conclusion. Have a control over your MIND, Follow the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) and, most of the times, things will get back on track.




What would you do?

So if you have been able to read this message, on my website, then please share your reaction or thoughts of what YOU would do or think, incase you saw a message that your website has been blocked by the Department of Telecommunication on the directives of Government of you country.


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