How to Dissolve Your KARMIC DEBTS (PART 2)

karmic debt part 2

What are “BAD” Karmas?

To understand what are “BAD” Karmas, let us first understand what are Karmas and how they are generated and categorized as “Good” or “Bad” Karmas.


EVERY thought, emotion, action, words- has an ENERGY. Depending on what your thought, emotions, action, words  are…some of this Energy gets logged into your Karmic Acount by a Karmic Accountant, (Accountant is known as _______________________? If you know the name of this Karmic Accountant, type in the comments box), as “Good” or “Bad” Karma.


If your thought, emotions, action, words are leaning towards loving, caring, compassionate, empathetic, forgiving, humane…then these thought, emotions, action, words get logged in as “Good” Karma.

If your thought, emotions, action, words are leaning towards hatred, jealousy, anger, frustration, ill-will, destruction, meanness, rage, terrorizing….then these thought, emotions, action, words get logged in as “Bad” Karma.

Remaining Energy, of your thought, emotions, action, words, gets converted into vibrations and sails through the ether to reach the person/s against whom these thought, emotions, action, words are.

This person, receives your thought, emotions, action, words through their extra sensory perception receptors and gets a “SENSE” of what your intention is, towards them. In common parlance, the person picks up your VIBES.

You may have noticed, that in the company of some people, you get “GOOD” Vibes and in the company of other people, you get “BAD” vibes.

Coming back to “Good” or Bad” Karma, pause here. Mull over this article and try to figure out how many “Good” or Bad” Karmas you have logged into your Karmic Account up until NOW.

In my next blog, we shall carry this discussion further.

Have you found out the name of this Karmic Accountant? Write the name in the comments section.

Have a fabulous day.


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