Helping Souls Transition into THE LIGHT. Tertia Sandhu with Leena R Prabhoo


This might come as a shock to some, but according to Tertia Sandhu, Countless Souls wander in darkness and confusion after death because of their attachment to people and possessions. This meditation is to help souls trapped in the earthly realm to see the Light and merge with it.


In this free wheeling conversation with Tertia, we touched on topics like SPIRIT POSESSION, SPIRIT RELEASE, WHICH PERSONALITIES ARE PRONE TO BE POSESSED, WITCHCRAFT AND SO ON…


Tertia Sandhu is a Past Life Regression Therapist, NLP Practitioner, Spirit Releasement Therapist and a Mokshapata reader.

Diploma in Dress designing, Commercial Art, Tiffany Stained Glass Art, Certificates in TA, Access Bars and Channeling Masters & Guides etc, Writer, artist, traveler, seeker.

Contact:  +91-9910999991

Past-life journey by Tertia Sandhu (Facebook)

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