An Enlightening Communication with CORONA VIRUS

As an animal telepathic communicator, I thought of telepathically communicating with CORONA VIRUS and ask it a few questions like, why is it here, how did it come here, when will it go etc. From this thought came about An Enlightening Communication with CORONA VIRUS.

Turns out, IT did not just respond to me, but also responded to my other telepathic communicator friends. I bring to you What CORONA VIRUS said to me and my telepathic communicator colleagues, Preeti Garg, Tanvee Kanitkar, Ranjini Banerjee, Prinay Manjeshwar, Manasi Panti & Jaideep Lele.


Sharing few of the excerpts of what our panelists revealed in this free flowing communication with CORONA VIRUS. Now, we humans need to take massive course correction if we have to send the virus back where it came from.

Prinay Manjeshwar, Marketing and media professional. Animal, nature and wildlife lover. Telepathic Animal Communicator.


⇒ Before the Corona virus phenomenon, I’d communicated with planet earth around October 2019 when we were confronted with a global environmental and climate crisis. At that point in time planet earth communicated about how humans need to be worried about ourselves as a species as the planet can regenerate itself just fine without us, a prime example being Chernobyl rewiring itself after 30 plus years of human evacuation.


⇒ Upon communicating with the virus in May 2020, when the world was in lockdown, I was told by the virus that it’s here as a means of checks and balance to restore the damage done to the planet by humankind. Somewhere along the way, we’ve forgotten to live in harmony with nature and our greed has meant that we’re taking out far more than we’re giving back to the planet While humans stay indoors, the planet is busy healing itself.


⇒Upon communicating recently during the second wave, 2021 I got that the virus will be here for as long as it takes. We have not learnt from our mistakes, not paid any heed to earlier warnings and are slipping back into our old ways.


⇒On why I’ve been specifically infected by the virus? I am currently in quarantine: nature’s way of telling                    me to slow down and relax. The world will not collapse if I choose to slow down, so this is my opportunity                to take it slow n easy”


Tanvee Kanitkar of Aatmanam, Telepathic Nature and Animal communicator, NLP Practitioner, Contact for cases: +919096082310


⇒The virus has come to existence with a very solid purpose “To teach the human species as a whole a very big and strong lesson.”

⇒Communication with the Coronavirus revealed a rather shocking and realistic picture of what we as humans have developed into. The virus says:

You humans think of yourself as someone who are extremely developed individuals who sit at the top of hierarchy. The virus is here to make you understand that how large and severe destruction can be caused to the humans because of it. How helpless the humans are. The way humans have treated and destructed Mother Earth as a whole and the other species, all of it has come back to them like a boomerang.

The lockdown has given the humans to go inward- to look within. It has given them the time to introspect their behavior, to spend some quality time with their loved ones and most importantly a chance to live consciously and mindfully. The lockdown has given the humans a time to invest in themselves.

When asked about how long will the virus stay? The virus is here to stay as long as it takes for the humankind to understand what the virus is here to teach.

Last year, the humans had learnt their lesson and had altered there behaviors’ to more conscious living. However, sadly, when the infection spread was perceived to be receding, the humans fell back to the old habits. Sustaining the altered behavior to coexist more peacefully in the lap of mother earth and to respect fellow species is what is required..


Preeti Garg, Animal Telepathic Communicator, Bach Therapist, Reiki Healer. Contact +91 9960553344


My communication with Corona virus was about healing and consciousness. It told me that the unhealed parts of our psyche are bound to get triggered…our broken relationship with self and our environment it peers, parents, siblings, bosses, spouses, nature all is bound to come up as it is time to heal.


Nature is striking a balance again, and the healing energies of the planet are very high. One can channelize them by meditating or being in silence for even 5 mins in the day.


It is time to heal and be proactive towards it. That’s the only way forward from now on.


It’s like the consciousness of the planet is being upgraded.


As steps to protect oneself- it was suggested that be honest with yourself and others, channel the healing energies thru meditation. Social distancing and common sense are to be adhered to while out.


One can also take Rescue Remedy for the anxiety and fear. Both lower the vibration of one’s aura and make one susceptible to attacks.


Ranjini Banerjee: Animal Telepathic Communicator, Oracle Cards Reader, Past Life Regression Therapist, Soul Communicator Ph: 9903746709


Salient Points:


It has come to existence from parts of our consciousness that is longing to return home, back to innocence, back to a sustainable way if life for all species on earth. It is here as an answered prayer not punishment.


It is asking us to create longer periods of stillness and restfulness in our lives. It vibrates at great speed, which matches the speed of anxiety, agitation, rage, fear. So if we can slow down, our vibration and energy field will not be a suitable host for the virus and it will move away.


Immunity is our capacity to be there first for ourselves and then others.


Isolation is a time for self care. We can no longer hide in the safety of crowds. We have to do the needful work on ourselves.


It is here to help us reconnect to the sacred practice of grieving and to open our hearts. As we connect to this difficult emotion, we begin to heal.

It is so uncanny, that all of us, from different parts of India, got similar answer from Corona Virus. The Virus has given the reason & a solution to it too.

When I shared this message of the virus with a friend, he said, “Humans will not improve, they would rather die than change their greed and bad habits”. Really?

We have done our bit of bringing the message of Corona Virus to humans. Now, what are you going to do about it?

Would you view the entire video, share it to make it viral and bring about the changes demanded by the Virus, in YOU?


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