auto writing

Automatic writing, in its simplest form, is script which the writer produces involuntarily and in some instances without being aware that s/he is doing it, even though s/he may be in an alert waking state.

From the spiritual perspective, automatic writing is done to receive messages/guidance,  from the higher powers-THE SOURCE.

Intrigued by this concept and wanting to learn more, I had attempted auto writing about a couple of years ago. All that my pencil could etch out were a few disjointed zig zag lines which made no sense to me. Thinking that this gift is not for me, I let it go.

Sarita, (name changed for obvious reasons) sought guidance and help for her troubled relationship. I started her off with counselling, and her healing therapy continues.

I decided to see if I could channelize guidance from my higher powers for Sarita, through AUTO Writing.

With a paper and pencil in hand, I connected with THE SOURCE and asked a question to my Masters. And low and behold….my pencil just flew off the paper, I could actually feel some kind of downloading happening within my body, into my hand, the words started forming….all so fast.

And then my questions dried out and the messages stopped coming in and I realized that whatever guidance had to be given, was given and the doors to THE SOURCE had closed.

I opened my eyes and this is what I saw. (See Image)  Amazing, simply amazing.

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makarand yedurkar
2 years ago

Amazing.stay blessed

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