Aarti came to me seeking help to remove her insecurities, inhibitions, fear of speaking up,  financial blockages and improve her relationships. All these traits were not allowing her to work or live her life in the best way she wanted.

She said that reasons for all her above mentioned problems were probably because she was the youngest child, she had many siblings before her and she was told by one of her siblings that her mother did not want her to be born as she was concerned how she could bring her up, a girl child.

During her Past Life Regression session, she went to many of her past lives in the 20th, 19th and 18th century.  She was always a girl child. She would see her mother but she would not be able to have a conversation with her mother.  The mother was distant and uncommunicative.  In fact, the mother would be looking away from her.  But Aarti could always sense her mother’s love for her.

Somewhere during the session, Aarti’s connection with the cosmic knowledge started closing up, she stopped visualizing anything,  she kept on drawing a blank,  everything was dark and she could not see people or sense anything that is happening.

This made me realize that whatever trauma Aarti had undergone, was so deep and had affected her so badly, that she had created all these barriers & blocks around this memory, which were not allowing her subconscious to access the exact time and space of this traumatic event.

So I brought  her Astral form back to her current life and we examined her 7 Chakras in her Subtle bodies. What I found was that her Solar Plexes  Chakra and all upper level Chakras were blocked.  I opened up each of the Chakras and  made them flow freely, magnified them, infused more energy in them and made them vibrate at a higher frequency.

Then I increased her intuitive ability and her ability to absorb the abundant knowledge of her past life, which is stored in her Akashic records.  I guided her to access these records and then, suddenly, BOOM, BOOM, BOOM, MAGIC happened .

She saw that she was in her current life, about 3 to 4 years old. She and her family had returned home and were removing their footwear at the door. Aarti happened to look up towards the window. She saw 3 buglers on their way out of the window.  One of them, keeping his finger over his own mouth, in sign language, he told her to SHUT UP.

This incident had such a deep traumatic impact on her young mind that she learnt never to talk, never to speak up, she became insecure in her adult relationships, she has blocks to make more money,  she blocked all the abundance that the cosmic Universe has to offer her, she became fearful of anything and everything.

Once we got to know what the real situation was, where the trauma had happened,  I guided her into releasing the blocked memories and energies of that incident. As soon as the release happened, she started feeling  light and good.

Aarti understood that her  belief about her mother not wanting her in her life, because of which all these things were not happening in her life, had nothing to do with her mother, but it was all because of this incident, which happened in her life when she was three or four years old.

This is how childhood traumas continue to impact an individuals life even when they are adults.


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